A Little About Me

Baxter State Park

So here we are once again in Maine looking for that elusive huge bull moose.  We haven't been able to find it yet, but there still is a chance for our luck to change.  Today we headed over to Sandy Stream Pond very early.  It was nice to have the whole pond to ourselves and as it turned out there was six moose sharing the pond with us.
This is a yearling bull

There was an adult cow that had twin yearlings, a bull and cow.  We got to capture lots of images of them as they moved around the pond passing by us several times.  There was also a cinnamon sided cow that didn't seem to be welcomed by the majority of the moose there, at one point there was a territorial dispute between the twins mother and the cinnamon sided cow.  That was fun to watch.
This is the Adult cow
Yearling Twins
Cinnamon sided cow